Forests’ Countless Benefits

Home to 1.6 billion people and 80% of all plant and animal species, our world’s forests are the cornerstone of life itself.


Cleaner water and air

Forests help improve water quality in streams, rivers, and lakes, as well as filter pollutants out of the air.

Carbon sequestration

澳门威尼斯人游戏木是我们对抗气候变化最有力的武器之一. In the United States, 仅国家森林每年就吸收超过5000万吨的碳.

Climate regulation


Habitat for wildlife


Food security


Recreation and wellness

From camping to fishing to hiking, 森林为我们提供了与自然和彼此联系的机会.

An Urgent Need

The world has lost an estimated 1 billion acres of forest since 1990. This staggering rate can be attributed to a number of factors:


Human activity is one of the greatest contributors to forest loss. 在全球范围内,澳门威尼斯人游戏木因农业、畜牧业、开发和伐木而被砍伐. 森林砍伐对热带雨林的影响最为显著, which are at risk of disappearing completely in 100 years.


Diseases like sudden oak death, spruce decline, 白松水疱会导致以前健康的森林显著减少.


在一些特定的森林里,像山松甲虫这样的昆虫已经达到了流行病的程度, 成千上万棵澳门威尼斯人游戏死亡,使该地区更容易发生火灾.


Wildfires are a natural part of many ecosystems, helping promote vegetation growth by clearing away dead material. However, with climate change creating hotter and drier conditions, these fires are growing in intensity.


Increasingly severe weather like hurricanes, ice storms, high winds, and drought can wreak havoc on forests.

Our Reforestation Work

Together with our network of planting partners, 自50多年前成立以来,我们在全球重新造林方面取得了巨大进展. 我们很自豪在世界各地的森林中种植了数亿棵澳门威尼斯人游戏, soil types, climates, and countries — and we’re just getting started. Join us as we plant another 500 million trees by 2027.

million +

Trees Planted Since 1972

Countries Impacted

Active Projects


Replanting Projects

Amazon Rain Forest

Amazon Rain Forest

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Angeles National Forest

Angeles National Forest

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Eastern Queensland, Australia

Eastern Queensland, Australia

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Chesapeake Bay

Chesapeake Bay

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Stories from the Ground