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Sources for More Information

Bulletin #24: Trees and Parking Lots

Useful Books & Booklets

  • Carscape—A Parking Handbook

    This richly-illustrated report of a parking lot design competition in Columbus, Indiana, is a treasury of ideas applicable elsewhere. Written by Catherine G. Miller for the Irwin-Sweeney-Miller Foundation. Although written quite awhile ago, this book’s concepts continue to be very useful.

  • Arboriculture—Integrated Management of Landscape Trees, Shrubs and Vines

    Richard W. Harris and his co-authors have included an excellent chapter on “Preserving Existing Trees” that would be helpful for many parking lot projects. This book is available through the International Society of Arboriculture or online book outlets.

  • U.S. Landscape Ordinances: An Annotated Reference Handbook

    Compiled by Buck Abbey in 1998, this is a comprehensive, 438-page guide to sections of ordinances nationwide that have been used to protect trees and enhance parking areas and other urban sites. Available at

Useful Links

The U.S. Forest Service’s Urban Ecosystems and Social Dynamics Program has done considerable research on cooling urban landscapes, including parking lots. Type “Parking Lots” in the search box.

For a list of trees especially suitable for parking lots and other related information, search online for “trees and parking lots.”

Last Updated: 03/25/19

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